Polish Labour Law Main provisions of the Polish labour law contain the Polish Labour Code with its relevant implementing regulations. Especially medium-sized companies continue to discover Poland as a place to do business. And so, companies acting in Poland cannot avoid familiarizing with Polish labour law. This article will therefore give you an overview of…

Intestate succession / testament / compulsory portion Intestate succession in Polish inheritance law The intestate succession finds application, when no (valid) testament exists or the persons, who were appointed as heirs in the testament, disclaimed the heritage. The Polish inheritance law states as legal heirs the surviving spouse and the relatives of the deceased. The…

Limited Liability Company Law Share capital The share capital of a limited liability company is composed of initial contributions of shareholders and amounts to at least 5,000.- PLN pursuant to legal regulations being applicable in Poland. For reasons of protecting creditors, this share capital must be maintained at least in this amount during the period…

Governing law in trade agreements Significance of the governing law in Polish-German business transactions For purchase agreements in Polish-German business transactions, there is on one hand the possibility to agree German law as the law applicable to the contract. The business parties might on the other hand agree upon the application of Polish law. UN-Convention…

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